20180628-30 Dworshak (Kunkel Kamp)

So, first a little back story. On December 31, 2017 Kelsey and Amber got married in a very small ceremony. (I tease them that they only did it for tax purposes.) They decided to wait for summer to role around to have the reception and they turned it into a camping event. And, thus begins my little summary.

June 28 2018
I started the day getting a few hours of work in before taking the rest of the day off. I had the trike mostly packed up the night before, so all I had to do was put on the last couple items before leaving.

This is the first overnight ride I have done since I lost my leg. There are a lot more things to consider when you are making a trip with a prosthetic. It made packing a bit tricky, getting everything I needed, yet keeping it small enough to all fit on the bike.

Somewhere between noon and 13:00, I headed out of town. I was wearing the black Sturgis bandanna, that Rachael gave me, on my head. With the large bundle of items behind me, it caused a much different wind flow from what I was used to. A little before the weigh station leaving Lewiston, the bandanna was blown off my head. I got turned around and went back to look for it, but was unable to locate it.

Continuing on my way, I went via Kendrick to avoid the majority of the gravel roads.

Arriving at the park entrance, I chatted with the ladies as we figured out where I was going and got what I needed to get me there. (Mainly instructions, map and tag saying I had paid.) I then headed for the Three Meadows camp grounds. Once you get so far, the road turns into a single lane narrow road that makes its way back and forth as it follows the mountain side. And then, you come around a final turn and it opens up into a large meadow.

As I followed the road around the meadow, a few of the kids were playing here and came over to talk to me. They pointed me to where Amber and Kelsey were and I headed up to where they were. Once I found them, we talked about where people were staying and where the "tent" sites were. I then went off to find a spot to setup.

I found a spot that had trees with the right distance from each other and setup camp. This also happens to be the first time since the accident that I was planning on sleeping in the hammock again. This, I was looking forward to.

While I was working on my camp site, the kids were running around playing in the woods. Once I was done, I headed back to the main lodge and learned that Amara and gotten a stick in the foot and was taken out for medical attention.

The group of us took the trek down to the reservoir. I rode the trike while the rest hiked.

A snake was encountered, and I picked it up to move it away from the animals (children and dogs). In an attempt to grab it behind the head, the snake was a bit faster than I was. I didn't get close enough to the head and it was able to turn and scratch my finger with its very sharp itty bitty teeth. After a couple pictures were taken, I tossed it off the bank into the water.

Amber and Amara did make it back to camp later that evening. Amara was lucky that her foot was not worse and she didn't have to go into Lewiston.

June 29 2018
I ran into some wildlife that I was not expecting in the morning. I didn't think we had panda bears in the Idaho back woods.

This day was a relaxed day. Except for maybe when I picked up Amara and carried her into the lodge. I'm pretty sure that was a bit stressful for Amber.

I went and got my crutches and set them to the shortest setting so Amara could use them. I tried to give her some pointers on how to use them, but it took her a little while to get the hange of it.

I went with Kelsey to put the boat in the water. I then drove the truck back to camp, while he took the boat.

June 30 2018
I was up before most of the camp, so I made me a little breakfast and hung out until the rest of camp began to stir.

I got a couple pictures with my little girls...which are growing up way too fast.

Later that morning, I assisted with some of the decorations for the reception.

As people were arriving, I went and started packing up my camp, as I was heading back to Lewiston after the reception dinner. While doing so, a couple asked if they could share the spot, and I said that they could have the area because I was leaving that night. I finished packing up the trike and got it out of their way.

It was a wonderful reception and dinner.

As it was starting to sprinkle, I made my rounds saying my good-byes and getting my hugs. I then made my way out of camp.

I did get rained on as I made my way out of the park and in route to Kendrick. By the time I got there, the rain had stopped and by the time I got back to Lewiston, I was dry again.

I consider it a successful over night test run on the trike.

AJ's Crazy Biker Adventures