This year's longest day ride was postponed a day due to weather and some unexpected motorcycle maintenance issues. The forecast had much better weather on the 22nd, and the motorcycle needed a new battery. But enough excuses, lets get on with the story...
At a little before 5:20, the bike was loaded, I was three to four layers deep (clothing, it was chilly) and I was ready to go. Leaving at 5:23, I headed to Orofino where I made my first stop for fuel. It's only 45 miles from Lewiston, but there's no gas stations in the hills.
I then headed into the hills on Grangmont Rd. Reaching Highway 11, I turned north by north east for 3.6 miles at which point, I turned off the paved road onto what has been call "Road" or "Unknown Road" by Google Maps. I rode on this for 8 miles at which I was supposed to turn, however, I didn't and made it another 6.5 miles down the wrong road before turning back. But, I'm ok with that, because I was able to take a couple pictures. I didn't realize the amount of Cedar trees in the area.
I did make it back to the turn, which dropped me onto French Mountain road which I took, heading east. I saw several white tails and a couple mule deer along this stretch. At one point I "chased" a baby white tail down the road for a bit. No, I wasn't chasing it, I just had to slow down and follow it until it finally went off into the trees.
After taking the pictures, I continued on my way, dropping down into Superior Montana. I then had to get on the freeway in order to get to St. Regis, but it was only about 15 miles.
Once in St. Regis, I stopped to fill up and have lunch. It was good timing, it was noon Mtn time. I had a Huckleberry BBQ burger w/Swiss cheese (instead of chedder) with a Huckleberry Lemonade at Hucks. I found their Huckleberry BBQ sause better than that used by Doe Brothers Restaurant in Philipsburg.
After another 41.7 miles, I rode into Avery and pulled off to review maps/GPS and then take a look around.
Also, there was "The Milwaukee Road" rail car.
In the Post Office/Museum/Rec hall, I notice a few intersting things as well.
Now finished with my visit in Avery, I got on the bike and got lost. (That's what real writers call fore shadowing.)
I took off my helmet, leather jacket, gloves and put on a do-rag. I first took these picture.
As I continued, I got due south of where Crow Lake was supposed to be and I still couldn't tell if there was really anything down there. And even if there was, I don't think I was going to be able to get down and back up through the snow, fallen trees and very steep hill side. So, instead I headed back to the bike. I mean really, the point was to take a hike, not kill myself. And, I got a hike. Getting back to the bike was much more up hill than I notice on my way out. I had to rest a couple times, but I had my camel pack, so I was ok, but more work than I expected.
Once I got everything re-situated, I climbed aboard and started on my way. Only to get 340 feet around the corner. There... in the road... In the middle of the road... All the way across the road... Was snow.
It looked like someone had driven over it with one of those side by side ATV's. Following in their path, the first patch of snow was small and shallow and I was able to ride over it. The second patch, I wasn't even going to try to ride over. But, I did think to myself... Maybe I can walk it over. I got off and started walking next to the bike. As I started into the next patch of snow, the front tire seemed to stay on top. However, the back tire dug right in, and if I hadn't have stopped, it would have been high centered in no time. So, time for a new plan. I got the bike turned around and I started back down the 2.2 miles of road. (Sorry no pictures... I was already down the road before I thought... OH! I didn't take a picture.)
Once back down at the bottom of the hill where there was a couple different direction choices. I stopped and told the GPS I wanted to go to Clarkia. It came back with some weird loop, that would have ended up bringing me right back to where I was and back up that hill. Maybe it thought the snow would be melted by then? I tried a couple times to get it to avoid that road and finally got what I thought might get me somewhere.
Taking the road to the right, I pressed on. Avoiding many mud puddles and such on my way. I came around a corner and before I knew it I was already half way across a creek crossing. Ok, I could have stopped, but it was a surprise. Not too much further, there was a big... No I mean BIG "puddle" the covered the entire road. I took an edge and slowly rode through it too.
At this point, I realized that without a real detailed National Forest map with all the roads on it, I wasn't going to get any further. And even if I did, it wouldn't guarantee pass-ability. (IE: More Snow) So, I headed back towards Fishhook Creek Road, which is a larger road and had a sign saying 14 miles to Avery. (Not the way I came from Avery.) Once there, I punched in Avery into the GPS. It said ok, let's take Outlaw Creek road. Ok, she actually said, "Continue 3.9 milhas e vire acentuadamente à esquerda" Anyway, after reviewing the route, it would put me further down the highway and I wouldn't have to go all the way back to Avery. So I decided to give it a try.
As I headed back up Fishhook Creek road, I came upon some Elk in the road. They scattered quick, and I didn't even have to slow down. Once I reached the turn to Outlaw Creek Road, I stopped and looked it over again. Now, the route showed taking Outlaw Creek to Hoytmountain to Boulder Creek to Marble Creek arriving at NF-50 (AKA:St. Joe Byway) 12.5 miles west of Avery. Finally, I decided again that I would give it try.
I passed one group of campers on the 3.1 miles of Outlaw Creek, when I reach the turn to Hoytmountain road. Hoytmountain was a much smaller road that went up the mountain. (what else.) It has several switch backs and had a few spots that looked recently cleared. And then, 6.5 miles on Hoytmountain, the GPS was telling me to go where there wasn't a road. I stopped... Assessed the situation. And decided that the GPS didn't know what it was talking about. That being said, the road I was on did continue, it just turned and dropped down. Based on its trajectory, it appeared to go in the direction I wanted, so I kept on going.
After another 2.4 miles I came upon a more utilized road. The GPS still didn't show any roads where I was, but it showed Boulder Creek very close to my location. I decided to go left. I only got .2 miles before I recognized that I was going the wrong way. I turned around and went the other way. Within .3 miles from where I originaly joined the road, it showed that I was on Boulder Creek road.
As I was riding along on Boulder Creek, I passed several areas where it looked like they had done some clear cutting. Logs were piled up along the road. In some places it looked like they had been there when the roads were still muddy and it made it a bit tricky to maneuver. About 1.5 miles before reaching Marble Creek, a redtail hawk took off a few yard in front of me, carrying some kind of squirrel or rodent.
Once at Marble Creek road, I stopped and once again punched in a couple variations into the GPS. However, based on my lack of knowledge of the area, and the possibility of more snow, and the time (5:46 PM) I decided it was time to get on a highway and head home. So, I took the 2 miles north on Marble Creek back to the St. Joe. I then headed into St. Maries and filled up. Even though I had already been on the bike 13 hours, I did choose to go home via Highway 3 anyway. Supposedly, cutting over to Plummer and going down 95 is faster. But 95 is a boring road to ride.
I pulled into the yard at 8:29, a bit soar and pretty warn out. And here are my last two pictures. The bike a bit dirty, and my boots and chaps a bit dirty.
- Trip Statistics Summary:
- 452.2 Miles
11h 52m Moving time
15h 10m Total Time
Averaging 38 mph.
AJ's Crazy Biker Adventures