Aug 17 2011
At 4:30 in the morning, the bike was all loaded up and pulled out of the garage ready to go. There wasn't much leisure time on this run. I didn't stop for any pictures. I only stopped when needing to for fuel, or maybe to stretch and/or work out the numb. I did have to turn around to get the butterfly magnet that fell off south of Lolo.
I made it to Wyoming late afternoon, early evening. I found out that there were several of the family up in Afton working on a project to move some old playground equipment. I proceeded to ride up town to see how things were going.
At about 20:00 we had a visitor at the house. Mom was going to attempt to chase/scare the skunk away, I had to talk her down so the house didn't get sprayed. I got a picture being careful not to present as a threat. We made it through the ordeal without any stink.
This was the day of the funeral for my sister. The funeral took place in Utah and the grave site was in Grover Wyoming. It had been a long time since all the siblings were in the same place at the same time. It's hard to be able to get this many people together.
Nancy's family
Aug 23 2011
The plan now was to ride caravan style back down to Utah with my sisters and spend some time there. I don't know what time we got on the rode, but we stopped at the Rulon Gardner Sinclair on the way out of Afton. From there, I was in the lead.
My brother-in-law Doug was driving the car behind me.
As we traveled, each time we took a turn, I would get on the throttle and pull away as we climbed back up to speed.
I was later told that after this happened a couple times, Doug said, as we came up on another turn, he's not going to get away this time.
Well, I guess he tried, but the car was just no match for that four cylinder 1300cc engine on the Royal Star.
The plan now was to ride caravan style back down to Utah with my sisters and spend some time there. I don't know what time we got on the rode, but we stopped at the Rulon Gardner Sinclair on the way out of Afton. From there, I was in the lead.
As we started into the Salt Lake valley, Doug came around and lead the way through the valley traffic.
I stayed at my little sister Angela's house for the time I was in Utah.
Aug 24 2011
This day we went over to Silver Lake and took a walk. I got a few pictures.
I can't remember what other events we did on this day. That being said, one of the days I was there, we went to one of the Brazilian churrascarias for supper.
Aug 25 2011
Angela planned for a trip to the Fastkart Indoor Speedway go-kart race track. Here are the results... I was in Kart 3.
This was the day I planned to start the trip back to Lewiston. After the morning events and getting the bike loaded, good-byes were said. Baking the bike out of Angela's yard, I couldn't get past the rain gutter next to the curb. Angela pushed the bike from the front and got me onto the road. We said good-bye again, Angela cried a little bit and I pulled away.
I have to say, driving on a congested freeway in a big city is not the funnest thing to do on a motorcycle. But, I was able to safely make north and out of the city.
I road into Twin Falls Idaho and then headed north to Stanley. I stopped here for fuel and then dropped down on highway 21 until I got to the Bonneville Campground where I checked in for the night. I spent a little time putting up the hammock and the bed ready for the night. The weather was good, so I didn't put up the tarp, so I could sleep under the stars.
I spent a little time hiking out past the camp sites to check out the hot springs Jeppson had told me about. Here are the pictures. That is an old shack with an old tub in the floor. You can put a plug in the drain and let it fill with the hot water from the spring to mix with cold water. It was an interesting novelty, but not one I was going to try.
And with that, I settled in for the night.
Aug 26 2011
This morning, I got up and packed up. If I remember correctly, when I stopped in Stanley the previous night, I had bought a little something for breakfast. That was eaten and I was on my way.
I rode down to Lowman and turn onto the Banks Lowman road. I stopped for fuel in one of the little towns before dropping down onto highway 55. At which time I once again turned north.
I believe I stopped once more in Riggins for fuel and then rode the rest of the way home. There might have been one other short stop somewhere through there.
And thus we see the end of another adventure.
AJ's Crazy Biker Adventures