For those that don't know, Scott Trost and I try to get a motorcycle ride in on or around June 21 (Summer Solstice/First day of Summer/Longest Day of the year). This year, Jason Moore decided that he wanted to join us. Plans were made... And then, I get a call Sunday night from Wimp #1 (Scott) saying that he and Wimp #2 (Jason) were scared of getting wet and canceled on me. Since I had already gotten the day off of work, I didn't feel like going in.... So, I watched the weather forecasts closely and debated. Then Monday morning came with the sound of rain on the roof. I checked the forecasts some more, paying close attention to the radar. The more I watched, the more I thought to myself... "I think I can do this." I planed a route (different that the one Scott had planed) and got ready. By 8:30 the rain had moved on and I pulled the bike out.
The trip went via:
- Waha
- Soldiers Meadow
- Keuterville
- Tolo Lake
- White Bird Hill
- White Bird Battle Field
- White Bird (Lunch at the Silver Dollar).
- Left White Bird Via Canfield Road (Steep Climb)
- Center Creek Road
- Rocky Canyon Road
- Back through Keuterville/Waha
- And returning to Lewiston.
Ready To Leave:
Soldiers Meadow:
Tolo Lake:
White Bird:
White Bird Battle Field:
Center Creek Road @ N42 52.857 W116 23.222:
Rocky Canyon Road @ N45 54.205 W116 24.401:
Waha - Stage Coach Road:
AJ's Crazy Biker Adventures