20100621 White Bird

For those that don't know, Scott Trost and I try to get a motorcycle ride in on or around June 21 (Summer Solstice/First day of Summer/Longest Day of the year). This year, Jason Moore decided that he wanted to join us. Plans were made... And then, I get a call Sunday night from Wimp #1 (Scott) saying that he and Wimp #2 (Jason) were scared of getting wet and canceled on me. Since I had already gotten the day off of work, I didn't feel like going in.... So, I watched the weather forecasts closely and debated. Then Monday morning came with the sound of rain on the roof. I checked the forecasts some more, paying close attention to the radar. The more I watched, the more I thought to myself... "I think I can do this." I planed a route (different that the one Scott had planed) and got ready. By 8:30 the rain had moved on and I pulled the bike out.

The trip went via:
  1. Waha
  2. Soldiers Meadow
  3. Keuterville
  4. Tolo Lake
  5. White Bird Hill
  6. White Bird Battle Field
  7. White Bird (Lunch at the Silver Dollar).
  8. Left White Bird Via Canfield Road (Steep Climb)
  9. Center Creek Road
  10. Rocky Canyon Road
  11. Back through Keuterville/Waha
  12. And returning to Lewiston.
Ready To Leave:

Soldiers Meadow:


Tolo Lake:

White Bird:

White Bird Battle Field:

Center Creek Road @ N42 52.857 W116 23.222:

Rocky Canyon Road @ N45 54.205 W116 24.401:

Waha - Stage Coach Road:

AJ's Crazy Biker Adventures